ECA in York
ECA had an excellent trip to York last week for our annual strategy meeting. Alongside discussing new business strate...
Review and implementation new rate designs for Jamaica (2024-2029)
ECA are delighted to be working with the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) in Kingston, Jamaica for the review and...
Welcome to ECA
We are excited to welcome Sahajleen Kaur to ECA in May 2024. Previously an Economic Analyst at Gemserv’s Low Ca...
State of the market report for healthcare facility electrification
Excited about what lies ahead in healthcare electrification? Keen to find sustainable solutions for powering health f...
ECA looking back at 2023 and forward to 2024…
At the end of a tumultuous 2022 for energy markets, 2023 was, in comparison, something of a calm after the storm. Ene...
Focus group discussion on power sector elements of Indonesia’s next medium-term development plan
On 26 September 2023, ECA led the Focus Group Discussion in Jakarta that presented initial thinking on the power sect...
Welcome to the team
In April and May we were pleased to welcome Thalia Goode and Guanfei Li to ECA in London. In her previous role at Hyd...
Biggest change in network regulation in a decade
Ofgem is considering the biggest change in network regulation in a decade. On 10 March 2023, Ofgem published a consu...
We read Ofgem’s RIIO-ED2 Final Determinations so you don’t need to
The UK was one of the earlier adopters of the independent regulation of utilities. Over time price controls in the UK...
Best wishes and a brief look back to ECA’s 2022
As the year draws to an end, we want to wish all of our clients, associates and friends a joyous festive season and a...
Another regulatory puzzle: Treatment of working capital and construction work-in-progress
In this months Insight we shed light on the treatment of working capital and work-in-progress…
...How are European governments responding to tight energy markets – an overview
In the first of our ECA Insight – deep dive series, Iro Sala and Frederik Beelitz look at policy responses to the u...
Energy Exemplar’s Energy Modelling & Simulation Summit – Xcelerate2022
Energy Exemplar’s Energy Modelling & Simulation Summit – Xcelerate2022 – was an excellent oppo...
Energy Exemplar’s Energy Modelling & Simulation Summit – Xcelerate2022
Energy Exemplar’s Energy Modelling & Simulation Summit – Xcelerate2022 – was an excellent oppo...
Can markets work at net zero?
In ECA’s recent Insight, Robert Barnett looks at market designs being proposed to cover the case where increased pe...
Exploring decarbonisation incentive options for electricity network firms
ECA has been contracted by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to scope, recommend and help i...
ECA in York
ECA had an excellent trip to York last week for our annual strategy meeting. Alongside discussing new business strate...
Review and implementation new rate designs for Jamaica (2024-2029)
ECA are delighted to be working with the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) in Kingston, Jamaica for the review and...
Welcome to ECA
We are excited to welcome Sahajleen Kaur to ECA in May 2024. Previously an Economic Analyst at Gemserv’s Low Ca...
State of the market report for healthcare facility electrification
Excited about what lies ahead in healthcare electrification? Keen to find sustainable solutions for powering health f...
ECA looking back at 2023 and forward to 2024…
At the end of a tumultuous 2022 for energy markets, 2023 was, in comparison, something of a calm after the storm. Ene...
Focus group discussion on power sector elements of Indonesia’s next medium-term development plan
On 26 September 2023, ECA led the Focus Group Discussion in Jakarta that presented initial thinking on the power sect...
Welcome to the team
In April and May we were pleased to welcome Thalia Goode and Guanfei Li to ECA in London. In her previous role at Hyd...
Biggest change in network regulation in a decade
Ofgem is considering the biggest change in network regulation in a decade. On 10 March 2023, Ofgem published a consu...
We read Ofgem’s RIIO-ED2 Final Determinations so you don’t need to
The UK was one of the earlier adopters of the independent regulation of utilities. Over time price controls in the UK...
Best wishes and a brief look back to ECA’s 2022
As the year draws to an end, we want to wish all of our clients, associates and friends a joyous festive season and a...
Another regulatory puzzle: Treatment of working capital and construction work-in-progress
In this months Insight we shed light on the treatment of working capital and work-in-progress…
...How are European governments responding to tight energy markets – an overview
In the first of our ECA Insight – deep dive series, Iro Sala and Frederik Beelitz look at policy responses to the u...
Energy Exemplar’s Energy Modelling & Simulation Summit – Xcelerate2022
Energy Exemplar’s Energy Modelling & Simulation Summit – Xcelerate2022 – was an excellent oppo...
Energy Exemplar’s Energy Modelling & Simulation Summit – Xcelerate2022
Energy Exemplar’s Energy Modelling & Simulation Summit – Xcelerate2022 – was an excellent oppo...
Can markets work at net zero?
In ECA’s recent Insight, Robert Barnett looks at market designs being proposed to cover the case where increased pe...
Exploring decarbonisation incentive options for electricity network firms
ECA has been contracted by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to scope, recommend and help i...

Economic Regulation
Services supporting regulators and market participants in the economic regulation of energy and water networks.

Markets & Commercial
Advice to infrastructure investors and project developers on utility market economics, asset valuation and contractual arrangement.

Climate Strategy
Assistance in the design of energy transition strategies, policies and regulation with a focus on renewable energy integration and energy efficiency.

Investment Planning
Expert analysis in developing policy toolkits, long term sector investment strategies like masterplans, integrated resources plans and network development plans.
Energy crisis and regulatory considerations for the future market models - Final Report September 2023
Prepared for:
ERRA regulatory approaches to revenue setting for electricity TSO and DSO study
Prepared for:
PLEXOS validation (2019-2025) and backcast report
Prepared for:
Utility Regulator Northern Ireland
Update to ECA recommendations for the Cost of Capital 2020-2025
Prepared for:
RIIO-GD2 cost assessment: business support costs, submitted to Ofgem in June 2019
Prepared for:
Centralised energy efficiency financing mechanisms: policy guidelines
Prepared for:
Regulatory and tariff review for distributed generation in the commercial and industrial sectors in Southern Africa
Prepared for:
Lebanon cost-of-service and tariff design study
Prepared for:
The World Bank
EE obligation schemes: policy guidelines - deep dive on key policy mechanism deployed under article 7 of the EE directive
Prepared for:
Attracting private solutions and participation in the power sector in Sub- Saharan Africa
Prepared for:
The World Bank
Update on international finance for coal fired power plants
Prepared for:
Attracting private participation and financing in the power sector in Sub-Saharan Africa
Prepared for:
The World Bank
Study on the estimation of the cost of disruption of gas supply in Europe
Prepared for:
Manx pricing strategy review
Prepared for:
Manx Utilities
Green mini-grid market development program (GMG MDP): access to finance business line
Prepared for:
The African Development Bank
Methodologies and parameters used to determine the allowed or target revenue of gas transmission system operators
Prepared for:
IAP commercial and economic feasibility study presented at the West Balkan Gas Infrastructure Workshop in Vienna
Prepared for:
The World Bank
Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services report
Prepared for:
The World Bank
Our feasibility study of the Ionian Adriatic Pipeline (IAP) assessing the commercial and economic feasibility
Prepared for:
The World Bank
Recommendations for the weighted average Cost of Capital 2020 - 2025
Prepared for:
The Cost of Capital – setting the scene for PR19
Prepared for:
Econometric analysis of potential LPG in Ghana
Prepared for:
The Global LPG Partnership
Power and agriculture nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa
Prepared for:
The World Bank
Ghana: Mini-grids for last-mile electrification exploring regulatory and business models for electrifying Lake Volta region
Prepared for:
Mozambique: technical assistance to analyse economic effects of VAT and tariffs on picoPV products, solar home systems and improved cookstoves
Prepared for:
PSP of water supply and sanitation services in rural areas and small towns
Prepared for:
The World Bank
Ukraine – unbundling options for gas transmission and storage
Prepared for:
The World Bank
Integrating strategic environmental assessment into power planning
Prepared for:
Identifying sustainability indicators of strategic environmental assessment for power planning
Prepared for: