Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Energy crisis and regulatory considerations for the future market models - Final Report September 2023

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Study on regulatory approaches of electricity TSO & DSO network tariff structures among ERRA member organisations

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Citywide inclusive water supply - Role of supplementary urban water service provders, World Bank

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Designing public funding mechanisms in the off-grid solar sector, World Bank

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Africa Minigrid Developers Association (AMDA)'s flagship report: Benchmarking Africa’s minigrids 2022

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Troubled Tariffs: Revisiting water pricing for affordable and sustainable water services

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

IFC - Powering the Pacific guide

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Study on the potential for implementation of hydrogen technologies and its utilisation in the Energy Community – part 1 International Review

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Study on the potential for implementation of hydrogen technologies and its utilisation in the Energy Community – part 2 Economic Analysis

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Study on the potential for implementation of hydrogen technologies and its utilisation in the Energy Community – part 3 Contracting Party Assessment

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Study on the potential for implementation of hydrogen technologies and its utilisation in the Energy Community – part 4 Synthesis Report

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

ERRA regulatory approaches to revenue setting for electricity TSO and DSO study

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Ireland power market PLEXOS validation and backcast report

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Update to ECA recommendations for the Cost of Capital 2020-2025

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

RIIO-GD2 cost assessment: business support costs, submitted to Ofgem in June 2019

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Centralised energy efficiency financing mechanisms: policy guidelines

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Regulatory and tariff review for distributed generation in the commercial and industrial sectors in Southern Africa

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Study on the potential for implementation of hydrogen technologies and its utilisation in the Energy Community - Potential in EnC Contracting Parties preliminary study outcomes

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Lebanon cost-of-service and tariff design study

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Energy efficiency obligation schemes: policy guidelines - deep dive on key policy mechanism that can be deployed under article 7 of the EE directive

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Renewable energy tariffs and incentives in Indonesia: review and recommendations

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Attracting private participation and financing in the power sector in Sub-Saharan Africa: findings from a survey of investors and financiers

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Update on international finance for coal fired power plants

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Attracting private solutions and participation in the power sector in Sub- Saharan Africa

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Study on the estimation of the cost of disruption of gas supply in Europe

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Manx pricing strategy review

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Green mini-grid market development program (GMG MDP): access to finance business line

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Methodologies and parameters used to determine the allowed or target revenue of gas transmission system operators (TSOs)

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Ionian Adriatic Pipeline (IAP) commercial and economic feasibility study presented at the West Balkan Gas Infrastructure Workshop in Vienna

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services

Aligning institutions and incentives for sustainable water supply and sanitation services report

Feasibility study of the Ionian Adriatic Pipeline (IAP) assessing the commercial and economic feasibility

Our feasibility study of the Ionian Adriatic Pipeline (IAP) assessing the commercial and economic feasibility - published on the Energy Community Secretariat website

The Cost of Capital – setting the scene for PR19

Recommendations for the weighted average Cost of Capital 2020 - 2025

See CCWater’s press release HERE

The Cost of Capital – setting the scene for PR19

The Cost of Capital – setting the scene for PR19