Ukraine gas sector reform

The aim of this assignment was to support the Government of Ukraine and Naftogaz with assessing the unbundling options for the transmission and storage business lines, and to develop a feasible and reasonable implementation plan for the restructuring model. This evaluation entailed ensuring conformity with the EU’s 3rd energy package and other criteria, including the facilitation of competition.

Ireland electricity market monitoring

The Irish Regulatory Authorities sought technical support in establishing the combined market (I-SEM) Market Monitoring Unit’s (MMU) Analytical Strategy. This required assistance in the delivery of the relevant MMU processes necessary to analyse and report on the I-SEM including the assessment and evaluation of the necessary inputs and outputs that will be required to fulfil this analysis and reporting. The strategy assessed the needs for reporting on market operation, assessment of potential for market abuse and processes for analysing market abuse.

Economic cost of disrupted gas in the EU

ECA supported the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) on the economic valuation of disrupted gas. The focus of our work was on recommending a suitable methodology for solidarity gas contracts in line with economic principles and EU legislation.

Northern Ireland, dispatch modelling

ECA was appointed to validate the forward-looking PLEXOS model (2019-2025) and perform a back-cast against I-SEM market outcomes. The team delivered an independent evaluation of the model, calibrate the model to reflect changes to market behaviour since the I-SEM launch in 2018, and strengthen industry trust in market-based modelling projects undertaken by the regulatory authorities.

UK-Europe gas interconnector market assessment

Project to model the Dutch, Belgian and GB gas markets to assess the extent to which the gas interconnectors, IUK and BBL will have and be able to exercise market power when their current long-term contracts come to an end in 2018 and 2022 respectively.

Cyprus Electricity tariff structure and design review 

ECA was appointed by the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) to design new tariff structures and levels for the 2014-2018 period covering the entire vertical chain of service provision (generation, transmission, system operation, distribution and supply).

Regulatory support to Albanian Gas TSO

ECA supported the newly established Albanian’s gas TSO, Albgaz, in developing regulatory and commercial capacity including the operationalisation of the Network Code, operationalisation of the gas tariff methodology and CAPEX planning.

Water company WACC assessment, UK

ECA was contracted to advise the Consumer Council for Water on the appropriate cost of capital for the water companies in the 5-year regulatory period of Ofwat’s PR14 price review. ECA’s analysis focused on the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and the recent financial performance of the companies.

Review of gas transmission tariffs in North Macedonia

ECA appraised the gas transmission tariff methodology in North Macedonia, especially the determination and allocation of allowed revenues. A key focus in this study was to recommend regulatory approaches to avoid excessively high transmission tariffs resulting from a heavily underutilised gas transmission network.

Gas security of supply options for Bulgaria

Following the serious impact of the interruption of gas supply via Ukraine, the Bulgarian government appointed ECA to provide policy advice on the measures the government can take to increase the country’s security of supply in the medium term. ECA analysed a wide range of measures, covering both infrastructure to policy options, and make recommendations to the government.

Economic impact assessment of Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Turkey

ECA was contracted to undertake a thorough Economic Impact Assessment of the Sinop NPP project and contribute to the four plans being formulated jointly by the project sponsors and the Government (Localisation, Technology Transfer, Human Resource Development and Social Responsibility, Public Awareness and Public Acceptability).

Pricing strategy review, Isle of Man

ECA was contracted by Manx Utilities to review charges for water, sewerage and electricity services for the Isle of Man (a self-governing British Crown dependency in the Irish Sea between Great Britain and Ireland). ECA’s work, published in the proceedings of the Isle of Man’s Parliament, involved: a review of charging principles; recommendations as to the design of charges; assessing the impact of tariff recommendations on different customers; and developing an approach to updating charges.

Unbundling options for transmission and storage system operation, Ukraine

The aim of this assignment was to support the Government of Ukraine and Naftogaz with assessing the unbundling options for the transmission and storage business lines and developing a feasible and reasonable implementation plan for the restructuring model that the Government was to choose based on the assessment. This evaluation entailed ensuring conformity with the EU’s 3rd energy package.

Market due diligence, Turkey

ECA were contracted to carry out a due diligence market study for a proposed new gas fired IPP. The study covered a review and assessment of the regulatory and market issues in electricity and gas, as well as detailed modelling and analysis of the electricity market and future electricity prices.

Market due diligence for renewable energy developer, Romania

ECA assessed the electricity and Green Certificate markets in Romania in light of an investment in a solar plant in Romania. This included an assessment of the regulatory environment for generation investment with a particular focus on renewable energy sources (RES) and solar specifically.