We work across a wide range of regions and markets in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Our international experience of utility sectors at varying stages of development enables us to make recommendations based on best international practice.


We are advising utility regulators, governments and energy market participants across the continent on economics, financing and regulatory issues. With our headquarters in London we have strongest and long established experience in the UK and Ireland. Our team also has extensive experience in south east Europe and Eastern EU Neighbourhood policy countries facilitated by additional ECA offices in Athens and Berlin.


The Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region is one of ECA’s key regions of operation. We have worked in over 25 countries in SSA on individual countries or as part of regional studies. We work closely with energy and water regulators as well as policymakers covering tariff and cost of services studies, energy access studies and developing investment plans.


ECA has been working in the Asia Pacific region on a continuous basis from our establishment through to the present. With a focus on South and South East Asia, we have recently expanded our operations in the Pacific and Central Asia advising utilities, regulators and policymakers across energy and water economics issues. Staff member presence in Thailand and New Zealand solidifies our presence in the region.

middle east

ECA’s experience in North Africa and the Middle East is focused on the electricity, natural gas and renewable energy sectors and in water and sanitation. We have conducted gas and electricity pricing studies, long term energy policy planning studies, regulatory reviews and sustainable energy market assessments in Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia and Yemen.