aerial view of thermal power station in green countryside, showing tall steam tower

Carbon pricing in Montenegro and planning to join the EU Emissions Trading Scheme

May 4, 2022

Targeting European Union (EU) accession in 2026, Montenegro must prepare for operating under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and the Carbon Boarder Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). Unique county characteristics, including a very small number of major point source emitters, lend specific challenges with creating a functioning ETS in the country. ECA have been contracted by the World Bank under the Partnership for Market Implementation (PMI) initiative to create a “readiness support plan” (RSP) outlining where support is required for Montenegro to successfully implement carbon pricing that both delivers real emissions reductions and facilitates EU accession. Preparation of the RSP culminated in a workshop meeting with key entities to discuss and finalise priority areas for PMI support.


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