The Government of Uganda and World Bank are exploring the possibility of financing standalone solar for productive uses (SSPU). SSPU products are defined as those that: a) serve a single customer, which may be a household, small business or cooperative (as opposed to a mini-grid, which serves multiple clients); b) boost productivity and income generation activities, contributing to economic growth. ECA is conducting a market assessment to better understand the full range of SSPU applications relevant to small to medium sized enterprises, which is steadily expanding as a result of technological innovation. With only a few dozen watts of solar electricity, entrepreneurs are generating income by mobile phone charging or powering hair clippers, while larger solar systems power village cinemas. In agriculture there are commercial opportunities for solar powered milk chilling, egg incubation, milling and refrigeration, which can require several kilowatts. Solar powered water pumps for drinking water and irrigation are being customized for the needs of smallholder farmers and ever increasing in popularity.