Iro joined ECA in September 2021. She has been involved in various projects regarding rural electrification in Africa, with a special focus on the off-grid sector. Her work includes identifying best practices to ensure long-term operational and financial sustainability of public institutions’ electrification and assessing the suitability of public funding mechanisms for off-grid solar. She has also worked on international case studies regarding coal phase out policies, as well as e-mobility frameworks in small island states.
Iro holds an MPhil in Economics from the University of Oxford, and a BSc in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from King’s College London. During her BSc, she was a research fellow creating a measure of gentrification in London by exploring socioeconomic outcomes at the very local level. At Oxford, she specialized in the areas of Urban-Spatial, Public, and Behavioural Economics. Her thesis examined quantitatively the effects of regulatory competition on corporate mobility and firm quality in Europe. She is currently completing a LLB in Law from the University of Athens.