young Indonesian lady planting shoots in the ground, surrounded by saplings

Sumatra Merang Peatland Project offsetting carbon emissions and improving local livelihoods

Dec 10, 2020

We are thrilled to learn that the Sumatra Merang Peatland Project (SMPP) is making good progress. ECA supports this project via the Althelia Climate Fund, managed by our partner Ecosphere+. The SMPP focuses on protecting and restoring more than 22,934 hectares of peatland rainforest in the Merang biodiversity zone in Indonesia. The project is reducing emissions caused by deforestation and creating a conservation area for hundreds of unique and endangered species. The project has recently employed residents from surrounding villages for dam construction, forest patrols and more activities that will allow achieving the project’s objectives. ECA is supporting the SMPP as part of our carbon neutrality target. The project has recently undergone verification by both the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCB). We encourage others to provide additional support this critical landscape! Image courtesy of Ecosphere+.


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