ECA has a long standing and proven track record in renewable energy covering all economic, financial, commercial and regulatory aspects of scaling up renewable energy projects. We have strong expertise in the development of renewable energy support mechanisms needed to foster investment in renewable technologies with particular experience in feed-in tariff (FiT) methodologies. We also support governments and regulators on the integration of renewable energy into the grid and market, including advice on power purchase agreements, transmission system connection arrangements, impact analyses and required market changes. As part of our services, we advise investors on regulatory and market conditions to assess the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of renewable energy projects.
A selection of our projects in the Renewable Energy Sector:
Development of model power purchase agreements, Serbia and Montenegro
This assignment involved review of existing draft PPAs, revision and updating of those PPAs to ensure they are bankable, together with related securitisation agreements. While the PPAs are specifically drafted for wind power projects, other renewable energy projects would also require a PPA which could be an amended and reduced version of the wind power PPA.
Climate change levy exemption for renewables scheme, UK
ECA advised Ofgem on potential changes to their guidance relating to renewables generators located outside the UK who seek accreditation for Levy Exemption Certificates (LECs). These generators must demonstrate to Ofgem that the energy they generate can feasibly have been sold to UK consumers.
Renewable energy laws and feed-in tariffs, Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is developing a revised Renewable Energy Law that introduces a Feed-in Tariff regime. To implement this, a secondary regulation is needed to allocate the costs of RES support amongst all buyers of RES. ECA was tasked to develop the secondary regulation and bilateral agreement as well as to review the renewables power purchase agreement.
Market study for solar power plant, Romania
ECA assessed the electricity and Green Certificate markets in Romania in light of an investment in a solar plant in Romania. This included an assessment of the regulatory environment for generation investment with a particular focus on renewable energy sources (RES) and solar specifically.
Development of RE regulations, Rwanda
Support to RURA in the development of various rules and regulations governing renewable energy and off-grid electrification including recommendations for improvement of existing regulations for the Feed in Tariff framework for hydro and extension to other technologies.
Power network analysis for wind power integration, Kosovo
Advice to KOSTT on wind power integration covered: network reinforcement planning and investment analysis, network security analysis, ancillary service provision and balancing, network operation with intermittent generation sources and forecasting techniques with wind.
Feed-in tariffs for renewable energy supply, Albania
ECA prepared recommendations on feed in tariffs to promote investment in renewable energy which achieves national target for RES consumption as required by EU Directive 2009/28/EC.
Kenya: RE capacity development
ECA led a year-long project to support the Government of Kenya to implement the feed-in tariff policy that was revised in December 2012 and incorporated many of the recommendations of our previous small-scale renewables framework study.
National renewable action plan, Montenegro
ECA provided legal, regulatory and economic advice to MoE, focussing on support in development of the National Renewable Energy Action Plan for submission to the EU under the Energy Community Treaty. This included development of forecast trajectories and modelling of impacts.