ECA’s experience has traditionally been strongest in the energy and water sectors but the firm is increasingly gaining experience in other infrastructure sectors including mining, transport and agriculture. In these sectors we have conducted cost benefit analyses of proposed infrastructure projects to assess the project’s value for money and provide advice on the most appropriate course of action. ECA also provides support in terms of strengthening the regulatory framework and the efficiency of the implementation processes related to the infrastructure project.

A selection of our projects in the Other Infrastructure Sectors:

Power and mining linkages in Africa

This study sought to investigate the barriers to mining and power being developed on an integrated national basis, thereby potentially unlocking both short-term and long-term savings in power costs while at the same time improving reliability

Impact analysis of innovative infrastructure provision models, Africa

ECA carried out a review and evaluation of the performance of infrastructure investment projects in the water, energy, transport and irrigation sectors in Africa on behalf of a confidential private sector client. Job creation and poverty alleviation were major objectives of the interventions.

Nigeria infrastructure advisory facility evaluation

We carried out a final review of the project, assessing the overall effectiveness, sustainability, and relevance of NIAF as well as the efficiency of the implementation processes adopted

Power and agriculture in Africa

ECA conducted a two-part study to assess the potential of agribusiness as an anchor load for rural electrification in Africa. Part one was a ‘landscape analysis’ to include the identification of energy-intensive production, processing and storing activities along identified agricultural value chains, plus the feasibility of the identified activities to serve as anchor loads for rural electrification. Part two included ‘case studies’ of selected power-intensive agriculture value-chains. The study provided an in-depth analysis of power demand, economic and financial analysis, plus an assessment of the enabling conditions required to encourage private sector participation

Economic and social impact analysis of OMVS navigation and port project, Senegal

ECA conducted a preliminary impact analysis of the proposed transport project on the Senegal River, for client eleQtra (Infraco) Ltd.

Barcelona-El Prat airport privatisation, Spain

We advised a proposed airport operator, financial sponsors and lenders on a potential airport privatisation, developing the economic interactions between proposed concession terms, the regulatory framework established under Spanish law and the EU Airport Charges Directive, developing a framework for investor valuation and for analysing the value impact of key uncertainties.