ECA has extensive experience in assisting the public sector to formulate energy and water sector polices, based on sound economic principles. We also provide readily implementable sectoral strategies to give effect to the policies. ECA works with key stakeholders, aiming to forge a consensus around the policies and strategies, thereby providing assurance that they will be adopted and acted upon.


Regional gasification, Southeast Europe

ECA analysed the scope for increased gasification in the nine-country region and the potential for it to benefit through greater competition and improved security of supply from imports of Caspian and Middle Eastern gas via Turkey.

Ghana gas masterplan

ECA was appointed by the Government of Ghana to develop a national medium to long term gas strategy. This included recommendations on an optimised gas infrastructure plan, prioritised gas allocation across exports and domestic utilisation options and a suitable pricing, regulatory and institutional framework for implementation of the gas strategy.

Zimbabwe power sector analysis

ECA developed a least-cost system development plan (SDP) and provided related training to hand over the model that was developed so that it can be used for future load forecast updates.

Water and sanitation finance facility, Indonesia

The Facility had been designed in an earlier ECA study – the subsequent project was to assist in implementing the sector financing strategy through consensus-building within government and working closely with the chosen host agency, PIP (Indonesia Investment Agency), to develop the operational manual and procedures for PIP, the water utilities (PDAMs) and local governments.

Gas to power investment consortium, South East Europe

ECA advised on the design, structure and ownership of a consortium of public as well as private investors for midstream gas and power generation projects in the West Balkans (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYROM, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia).

Indonesia gas masterplan

The project developed a new gas development master plan (GDMP) which serves as a guide to the necessary infrastructure investments required over the period to 2025. Given the uncertainty over supply sources and future prices and, hence, demand for gas, the project looked at a number of scenarios for the future market.

National strategy for water resources pricing and financing, Zambia

ECA assisted the Water Resources Action Programme to develop a comprehensive national Water Resources Pricing and Financing Strategy which promotes efficiency of water use, equity in access to water and environmental protection.

Economic price of gas, Egypt

ECA carried out an economic gas pricing study to assess and evaluate current and future gas production costs in Egypt.

Fiji energy sector policy review

ECA led the preparation of a Sustainable Energy For All (SE4ALL) assessment of Fiji’s energy sector, the preparation of a new energy policy and strategic action plan, and an analysis of the legislative framework. The energy policy included recommendations on institutional arrangements for the energy sector.

Benefits of electricity interconnection and trade, Black Sea Countries

ECA conducted a scoping study of the economic and other benefits of increased trade among the countries bordering the Black Sea and export to Western Europe.

WASH coordination and regulation, Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is entering a new phase of reforms of the water sector. ECA advised on key institutional aspects – the establishment of a water sector regulator and how coordination could be improved.

Economic analysis for electricity masterplan, Vietnam

ECA provided the economic and financial analysis for the sixth masterplan for Power Sector Development to ensure that it was developed according to least economic cost.

Energy sector masterplan, Djibouti

ECA contributed to the development of an energy sector Masterplan, providing an assessment of the current and forecast demand for commercial and non-commercial energy, plus the least-cost means to meet this from renewable and non-renewable energy sources.

Gas sector strategy, Serbia

ECA helped the Government of Serbia by reviewing its gasification strategy and the available import options to diversify the supply of natural gas.