Solar home system tariffs, Philippines

This project, for the World Bank and Department of Energy, followed on from a previous assignment developing an institutional and regulatory framework for a large-scale SHS electrification programme within the Philippines. The programme will be delivered on a...

Kenya mini-grid regulatory framework development

ECA, in association with engineering firm Trama TecnoAmbiental, worked with the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum and other sector stakeholders to consolidate and develop a comprehensive policy and regulatory framework for mini-grid development in Kenya. This included...

Sustainable economic development in the Cubango Okavango River Basin

Building on past studies for the basin organisation OKACOM, the multi-sector investment options analysis study explored alternative development pathways to meet national development and poverty reduction objectives, without unduly compromising the ecosystem services...

Design of a mini-grid facility, Rwanda

This assignment was to prepare the mini-grid component of the proposed World Bank-assisted Rwanda Renewable Energy Fund Project. The mini-grid component is to support private sector renewable energy mini-grids to demonstrate that commercially viable mini-grids are...

Djibouti solar rural electrification programme

ECA advised the Government of Djibouti and the World Bank on the design and roll out of a solar electrification programme in rural areas. We conducted an international best practice review, designed a pilot programme for a solar mini grid system and drafted the...