Managing Consultant
Marina is an economist with 7 years’ experience in regulatory economics in the energy sector. Her experience includes working at the UK energy regulator (Ofgem) on the RIIO price controls and later as a consultant advising a range of clients including regulators, utilities, network industry associations and energy infrastructure investors.
Most recently, Marina helped the UK Energy Networks Association develop a cost benefit analysis tool for whole system options assessment as well as the assessment between flexibility and reinforcement for distribution networks. She advised interconnector and offshore wind developers on regulatory and commercial structures for hybrid offshore infrastructure, and cap and floor models for interconnectors.
Marina is also experienced in providing commercial and regulatory due diligence for energy infrastructure transactions. Previous projects include transactions involving a UK DNO, a major utility in north Europe and district heating in Scandinavia. At Ofgem, she also worked on the regulation of the Electricity System Operator (ESO) and was later seconded to the ESO to work on the separation of the ESO from the Transmission Operator.
Marina holds a Bachelors and Masters degree in Economics from University College London and London School of Economics, respectively, as well as a Diploma in the Regulation of Energy Utilities from the Florence School of Regulation and a Certificate in Corporate Finance from the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (CISI) in London.