ECA’s expertise in cross-cutting fields includes energy efficiency, public-private partnerships (PPP) and environmental economics. ECA has extensive experience in all economic, policy and regulatory issues of energy efficiency. We have been working closely with International Organisations and Governments to provide economic and regulatory assistance to remove the obstacles and create an enabling regulatory and institutional framework for attracting investment in energy efficiency.
Additionally, ECA’s cross cutting expertise includes the structuring and implementation of public-private partnership (PPP). This encompasses the tendering of concessions and distribution licences, contractual and legal frameworks for PPP investments, advice on contract negotiations and design and implementation of regulatory agencies and regimes.
ECA also provides economic and regulatory analysis for cost effective and sustainable environmental policy to private and public sector clients. Our advice is related to the environmental impact of a wide range of policies and infrastructure projects in the energy and water sectors, as well as climate change. We also conduct environmental and social cost- benefit analysis and attach monetary values to water, environmental benefits and non- marketed goods.
A selection of our Cross Sectoral projects:
Energy service companies in the West Balkans
Legal, regulatory and economic advice on the framework for the promotion of renewable energy projects. A gap analysis was provided on the regulatory and financial structures that might impede investments in ESCO projects.
Energy efficiency obligation schemes
ECA has assisted in the development of a framework for the implementation of utility energy efficiency programmes in Croatia and Montenegro, consistent with relevant EU directives.
Private sector provision of water and sanitation in small towns, Worldwide
We led an international study to provide operating procedures and guidance to developing countries and World Bank task teams on how to support public institutions in effectively engaging the local private sector to deliver water and sanitation services, especially to the poor in rural growth centres and small towns. Case study focus countries were Philippines, Bangladesh, Uganda and Colombia.
Development of a framework for PPI in Tamil Nadu, India
ECA led a team reviewing the existing framework for PPI and analysing its strengths and weaknesses, including comparisons with best practice in other Indian States and internationally.
Privatisation of the power holding company of Nigeria
We provided advice during the due diligence review covering issues relating to the institutional, regulatory and market aspects of the power sector during the lead up to privatisation and after the privatisation. This involved work with the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) relating to tariff regulation and work with the TSO and Market Operator relating to the electricity market.
PPP toolkit, India
This project involved developing web-based toolkits to assist PPP practitioners with all aspects of the PPP development, structuring, transactions negotiation and implementation. The toolkits covered five infrastructure sectors: water and sanitation, solid waste management, urban transport, ports and highways.
Gas flaring reduction regulations, Indonesia
ECA was appointed by the World Bank-led Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR) to advise on a suitable regulatory framework for gas flaring and venting reduction on the basis of international best practice.
Greenhouse gas emission credits, Angola
ECA advised on the eligibility of a proposed LNG project to reduce the flaring of associated gas from oil production to obtain greenhouse gas emission reduction credits under the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change.
Effects of carbon lock-in
DFID asked ECA to produce a study which looked at the risk of carbon lock-in to the International Climate Fund (ICF) priority countries and, to develop a simple framework to be used by ICF policy leads and DFID country offices to assess this risk in relation to nationally significant investments undertaken.
Green cities, Rwanda
The project required developing a ‘Green City’ framework and guidelines appropriate for the Rwandan secondary city context, developing a National Roadmap on the secondary city development and helping strength the capacity of government employees and of GGGI staff.